“The first six months of the year were particularly Facebook crazy, but that still doesn’t entirely explain why Facebook would be the most searched term of 2008 in the UK. It’s not like the URL – Facebook.com – is particularly hard to remember, so perhaps Google is the homepage and people like my Mum forget to type the address into the address bar instead of the Google search box…” (Posted by the Guardian’s Jemima Kiss on Wednesday December 10th).
Hmm, what I like to do is turn the puzzle the other way round, and take the fact that people searched for Facebook, rather than remembered the url seriously. After all didn’t Bob Pearson (Twitter at bobpdell) Vice President, Communities & Conversations at Dell say in an interview with Forrester’s Jeremiah Owyang that the ‘corporate homepage’ for them is not Dell.com but Google, MSN or Yahoo? Makes a bit more sense in that context? See 03:40+ mins in.