Likes, Comments, Shares / Posts = Engagement

It’s true that Average Post Engagement Rates can range from 0.01% to 1%, but people keep forgetting thats the people interacting, and that its for every post. If 1% of people interact with EVERY one of your posts, that means a majority of your fans have seen it. So it’s the exact reason why Engagement Rate is a metric worth monitoring!

Nice post/graphic from Social Bakers, to which I left a comment to ask for an example of how to the non-mathematicians amongst us it can appear to be true that “if 1% of people interact with EVERY one of your posts, that means a majority of your fans have seen it”. Here’s their visual response, with an explanation in terms of the relationship between engagement and reach:

Socialbakers ROE


And then it of course you could chart your engagement and reach posts against their ideal in a simple x/y graph and see if that helps guide you, to see if you’re doing things correctly. Too much reach, but not enough engagement, check the actuals vs my simple info-graphic?

My reach vs engagement chart

PS: Here’s the calcs_examples I promised with their simple formulas. Enjoy!