I see Facebook has changed its terms of service.
And set up a group for discussion of Rights and Responsibilities.
So it’s a shame one of the dicussion threads on display appears to be racist in nature.
I’ve left a comment on Mark Zuckerberg’s blog post suggesting it requires actioning. It’s now 05:20 p-alto time.
Stop press:
- Via Twitter Stow Boyd reports that “Facebook backs away from change in TOS, restores old TOS until they figure out what to do – http://bit.ly/bCLId“. It’s now 06:14 p-alto time.
- Dennis Howlett’s take on all this FB critique: but why do Google and Apple get a free pass? It’s now 06:22 p-alto time.
- Daily Telegraph journalist Kate Day’s take on the apparent Facebook climb-down, with a quote from @CannonGod who I claim to know! It’s now 07:12 p-alto time.
- Looks like they’ve taken down the racist discussion I noticed. Sure has led to more comment on FB.
- @yojibee “Ladies & Gentlemen #facebookTOS group just crossed the 100k treshold!”
- Latest (19th Feb) commentary from Dennis Howlett on how this has all played out.
- Discussion by experts on NY Times on Facebook’s faux pas.
Apparently @kate_day (a journo for the Telegraph) wants to quote my response to the TOSser debacle:
@Jake Fudge She certainly does! It’s a good point well made. Thanks and thanks to Stuart for the link.
@kate_day my pleasure!
& it’s now 07:32 p-alto time;-)