Movable Type Pro launched today combines blogs with social networking, not unlike the WordFrame platform used for IT Counts: “The type of Web site that you build with Movable Type doesn’t have to look like a classic two- or three-column blog,” said Chris Alden, Six Apart’s CEO.
“It can be structured to look like any Web site you see surfing the Web. Web publishing is moving from a heavily process-driven activity to being something more decentralized, something more inclusive of community, and being able to build Web sites in a more rapid and agile fashion. We really view Movable Type as part of sea change in Web content management toward a social publishing direction,” he added.
Hmm, thanks Chris, nice comments. <Update> I mentioned this in Twitter just yesterday, taking the essence from another report: “Blogging is getting social + social networking is fragmenting. Means niched sites attracting more visitors, with more qualified audiences.” Kinda reminds me of IT Counts. Though Dennis didn’t think so, I wasn’t gonna argue with the guru.