Nice to hear from the BCS about Drupal 7, with more content making it slower but more safely scalable.
By all accounts it should have been delivered before now, but because of lack of contributors it’s slowed right down – I wonder if any UK-based Drupal developers are helping out in this respect?
The new release of popular content management system Drupal will be slower, but more scalable, according to its creators.
Drupal 7, which is already behind schedule, is expected to be launched in either summer or autumn this year.
The open source software, which is increasing in popularity, is now thought to power around one percent of the world’s websites.
The upgrade will feature over 70 new modules and contain a substantial growth in code size.
The announcement came at the Drupalcon conference in San Francisco.
Many UK based developers booked to attend the conference have had to watch proceedings over the net because of flight disruptions.
For the super-geek there’s the added bonus that Drupal 7 connects the open source platform into the semantic as Drupal 7 adds Resource Description Framework (RDF) to mark up content such as blog posts, comments, and tags from different sources, so you can present them in your own site or searches. Apparently it’s like turning the web into one vast database – also known as the semantic web. [Or for the complex-minded, web 2.0 + semantic web = web 3.0].