Crazy chess, makes sense

Nice blog post on getting the balance right, inspired by a crazy game of chess. Like the point about the difference between management and control, but in reality that takes a lot of confidence to pull off. Which brings in the value of experience I guess:

As managers, we have a tendency to want things done the right way (aka our way) … we don’t like things happening around us we don’t understand and we definitely don’t like change.

It strikes me, that to be a successful 2.0 manager, you need to:

  • know when to sit and watch
  • know when to let things run their course and for how long
  • know when to intervene (or engage) and how to do that without alienating everyone
  • realise that management and control are not the same thing … relinquishing control can be a good management technique … and …
  • be humble enough to accept that there may be more than one way to get things done and our way might not suit everyone’s needs.