You have sent a message in a binned conversation error with attachment error when attachment added
by me
8 Jul
bkc56 said:
Which implies you DO have filters that delete messages setup. What are the search terms used by those filters? I suspect one is getting more than you intended.
I said:
(1) I have double checked my filters. There is no filter set up to delete messages once they are sent, either with or without an attachment. (2) Therefore to confirm the error only occurs when an attachment is added, such as a Word.docx file.
bkc56 said:
That isn’t really what I asked. I’d like to see all the filters that delete messages. You can just copy/paste them from the Settings->Filters page. And expanding the search a bit… Do you access your account with an e-mail client (Outlook,
I said:
I appear to have fixed the problem by adding a new filter, which simply stipulated that an email sent by me with an attachment was not sent to Spam.
bkc56 said:
So you counteracted the bad filter with another filter. It would be better to find the bad filter and fix it, but your solution works too I guess.
I said:
I checked the full list of filters I had in place, and found none of the delete filters that should have affected sending an email with an attachment. In the process I realised while there was (of course…) no filter not to delete emails, the
bkc56 said:
…but I agree I did not as such get to the root cause of the error. Well, if it’s working that’s probably good enough for now.