Request for innovation ideas for the NHS

Just received this email from the NHS’s Innovation Health and Wealth Team, calling for innovation ideas for the “second wave of high impact innovations to be carried forward into 2013/14”. Deadline is 20 November, btw.

Dear colleague,

Invitation for High Impact Innovations in support of Innovation Health and Wealth

The High Impact Innovation website – has been developed to support the spread and diffusion of significant innovation more widely across the NHS. Having started initially with six high impact innovations, we are now seeking a second wave of high impact innovations to be carried forward into 2013/14.

The website is a source of information and intelligence for change agents and commissioners in the NHS, to support them in implementing the High Impact Innovations Programme.

We are seeking submissions of ideas and innovations from interested parties across the NHS system who would like to see their innovation taken forward into this next phase.

We’d really like to hear your ideas if they meet at least one of the established criteria:

• Value for money
• Fulfilling a recognized need
• Quality of patient care
• Efficiency
• Savings and benefits
• Improves or replaces an existing service.

To submit your idea, visit and access the online form which appears on the left hand column of the home page.

Ideas should be submitted before 20 November 2012, and once submitted, forms will be reviewed and filtered by an expert panel who will select up to 100 of the most appropriate innovations to be taken forward.

Please note that submissions of ideas will be treated confidentially and as commercially sensitive and will not be passed on.
Your input is invaluable in driving the next wave of innovation and we look forward to receiving your ideas.

Kind regards,

Innovation Health and Wealth Team

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