This extract from ICAEW’s IT Counts Dennis Howlett (aka AccMan) today. Hmm, I wonder how this would play in the UK? Talk about culture and social software, between UK and US, between large and SME companies, you name, the differences are there.
The show, dubbed Business Social Software Jeopardy featured two Forrester analysts, Jeremiah Owyang and Laura Ramos, along with Bill Johnston, chief communications officer with Forum One Communications, an internet business strategy company. If you can afford the hour it takes to run through the show, including Q&A then I recommend taking in the numbers. If not then here are some of the more important figures and points I picked out, all based on research done in the US with my take added on:
- 10% of marketing budgets should be allocated to ‘social’ projects. Marketing budgets usually run at 6.5% of total revenue so for a small business turning over say