Hmm, didn’t expect the ‘Sally Army’ to be heading up on the panel at the Info Security seminar on 22 April on social networking security:
Martyn Croft, Head of Corporate Systems, The Salvation Army
Giles Hogben, ENISA Expert, ENISA
Max Kelly, Senior Director of Security , Facebook (tbc)
David Lacey, Independent Consultant, Member of the BCS Security Forum Strategic Panel
Brett Lemoine, Director of Operations Infrastructure, LinkedIn (tbc)
Seminar Details
In the past year Social Networking has exploded – with an estimated 700 million business users worldwide. Networking sites have obvious the business advantages and disadvantages, but how do these measure up against the security issues presented? Different employees and companies have different reasons for the use of these sites, and in turn promote different policies. And the combination of the old guard and digital natives can produce significant differences in expectations of worktime access to internet services. This session seeks to explore the potential pitfalls of Social Networking use, to advise how to mitigate these threats, and to identify the considerations for drafting and enforcing the best policy for your organisation.