Ever refused a beer at a restaurant? Can’t say it happens very often to me, but it happened tonight at the very nice looking Restaurant Bar & Grill on City Square in Leeds. I ordered the first beer, a Peroni in sympathy with Chelsea’s match experience on the weekend. And was happily chomping through my risotto of smoked haddock and soft poached egg when the nice waitress asked if I wanted a second beer. I gracefully declined, feeling I was too tired to appreciate it – only for a second waitress to turn up straight after with the beer all innocent and sweet asking if I wanted a fresh glass. Well, tired though I was the least charming thing to have done was to nerdily point out I didn’t order a 2nd beer. So I took the bottle, declined the fresh glass, and put it down. I then finished my food, blew out the tabletop candle and paid up. Leaving the beer untouched. A note to the restaurant management – I didn’t want a second beer, comprendo?!
Hanging on the wall of the restaurant are some very nice b&w photos including one of my hero David Niven.
No thanks, thank you